PokerStars WCOOP Main Event Result
Final 3
Lee Jones [PokerRoom Manager]: I'll restate the deal and you guys can say "agree" if you do...
Lee Jones [PokerRoom Manager]: 1. We're leaving $50K on the table, along with a very nice 14K gold bracelet and a lot of good karma that comes from winning this thing (note what happened to Ragde this past year)
Lee Jones [PokerRoom Manager]: panella: $527,342
Lee Jones [PokerRoom Manager]: tralala: $573,735
Lee Jones [PokerRoom Manager]: vendetta: $540,877
Panella86: "agree"
tralala: alright
Vendetta: agree
tralala: agree
Final Results:
WCOOP Main Event Results
WCOOP Main Event Prize Info
3rd. tralala $573,735
2nd. Vendetta $540,877
WCOOP 2005 Champ = Panella86 $577,342
Panella86 aka PagonaB aka ?
"Always keep moving." "Change tables. Sites. Locations. Handles." "I've had dozens of aliases online and whenever people get wise to me I disappear" "People don't like playing a guy who keeps beating 'em day in, day out. So you can never stand still."
I have updated DaPokerStars: A - Z. As always, take it as an indication only because you can never tell who really is the player(s) behind the screen name.
Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful
Not quite sure what I explained, but thanks anyway. Happy holidays!
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