Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hendon Mob League: Game 6

After over two months since Game 5, the Hendon Mob Poker League's Game 6 finally kicks off tonight.

Got off to a great start, 2500 starting chips, 25/25 blinds. I had AA in the BB, UTG makes a bet, folded round to me, I raise to over 1k and he reraises all in, I call. His AK needed a heart on the river for a flush that doesn't materialize and I am chip leader with 5,000 chips.

The river isn't so kind the next hand I play. Still level one. The table is tight, so I limp in with 83s looking to hit a flop. Criamulus two to my left makes it 100. I call 75 looking to take his whole stack.

Flop is Td8d3. I bet over half the pot, since I put him on an over pair, and he re-raises to about 400. I double his bet and he calls. Now I am sure that I am ahead and trips are unlikely when the turn is a 4. First to act, I raise him all-in I am happy with taking the pot (since he probably has an 18% change of hitting the river) or getting called.

interprets my all-in as being weak (intended, but it also protects my hand) and calls off all his chips with JJ but hits one of his 8 outs when another 4 arrives!!!

If that didn't suck enough, blinds 75/150, I am short stacked with K7s in the BB, Belly-Buster in late position raises it to 600. Putting him on a steal I go all-in looking to double up. He hits a straight with T9o though!

I finish 40th out of 55 mobsters. Hopefully I'll get my own back next week, in Game 7.

See the Hendon Mob League Top 10 Players.


At 10/8/05 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was chuckling for quite a while after that one!



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